tuomas karjalainen joensuu areenan kuntosalilla

A new way to mea­su­re fit­ness and well-being

The testing station serves everyone, regardless of fitness level

From the plat­form of the second floor of Joen­suu Aree­na, you may have heard the bang of ham­mers and the rust­le of saws during the spring. A well-being and exerci­se tes­ting sta­tion is cur­rent­ly being built in the are­na’s pre­mi­ses.

The sta­tion will ser­ve a wide ran­ge of tar­get groups, from eve­ry­day exerci­sers to pro­fes­sio­nal ath­le­tes. In the coming fall, the tes­ting sta­tion will be able to per­form, for example, force, speed and load mea­su­re­ments as well as well-being sur­veys.

Well-being can be mea­su­red throug­hout life

The ser­vice selec­tion of the tes­ting sta­tion is deve­lo­ped by a group of experts from the city of Joen­suu, the Sport Ins­ti­tu­te of Eas­tern Fin­land, the Kare­lia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Eas­tern Fin­land.

Pro­ject expert Juha Jalo­vaa­ra from Kare­lia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences says that such exten­si­ve tes­ting and mea­su­re­ment ser­vices have never exis­ted in Joen­suu befo­re.

– The are­na’s tes­ting sta­tion will be open to eve­ry­one who is inte­res­ted in mea­su­ring their own fit­ness level and moni­to­ring the results of trai­ning. With the new posi­tion, the ser­vices for top ath­le­tes will also expand, Jalo­vaa­ra desc­ri­bes.

The tes­ting sta­tion will be built on the second floor of Joen­suu Aree­na.

Accor­ding to Jalo­vaa­ra, you should take the tests, for example, befo­re star­ting a lifes­ty­le chan­ge. Howe­ver, befo­re the tests, you should make sure from the healthca­re pro­fes­sio­nals that the­re are no health-rela­ted risk fac­tors that would pre­vent you from par­tici­pa­ting in the tests. This is also always veri­fied befo­re coming for tes­ting.

The tes­ting sta­tion will be open to eve­ry­one who is inte­res­ted in mea­su­ring their own fit­ness level and moni­to­ring the results of trai­ning.

– Tes­ting pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about the cur­rent situa­tion and can help pre­vent poten­tial chal­len­ges to func­tio­nal abi­li­ty and phy­sical con­di­tion.

–The path to well-being is life­long. That’s why the tes­ting sta­tion will ser­ve not only goal-orien­ted exerci­sers, but also the elder­ly, from the ini­tial sur­vey to the moni­to­ring of deve­lop­ment, says Jalo­vaa­ra.

Pro­ject mana­ger Jaa­na Kur­ki from Kare­lia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences adds that one of the objec­ti­ves is to pro­mo­te the well-being of the local citizens.

– Tes­ting and moni­to­ring your own con­di­tion can inc­rea­se trai­ning moti­va­tion at all dif­fe­rent levels. For one the goal can be, for example, wal­king to the mail­box wit­hout get­ting out of breath, whi­le anot­her is trai­ning for a marat­hon. Eve­ry­one is equal­ly welco­me to the tests and will bene­fit in their own way.

The tes­ting sta­tion also brings new equip­ment to the are­na’s gym, Tuo­mas Kar­ja­lai­nen says.

The ski mat takes you to Hol­men­kol­len

The tes­ting sta­tion’s equip­ment enables, for example, wal­king and balance tests, bicycle ergo­me­ter tests, and mea­su­re­ments on a tread­mill.

The tes­ting equip­ment can be used to mea­su­re not only phy­sical acti­vi­ty and fit­ness, but also body com­po­si­tion, sleep and reco­ve­ry.

The pro­ject mana­ger of the city of Joen­suu, Tuo­mas Kar­ja­lai­nen, is especial­ly loo­king forward to a new ski mat that uses gaming tech­no­lo­gy to crea­te the most aut­hen­tic expe­rience pos­sible.

– On the ski mat, you could see, for example, Kon­tio­lah­ti’s wall climb or Hol­men­kol­len’s World Cup slo­pes, which are pro­jec­ted on a giant screen, Kar­ja­lai­nen says.

Most of the tes­ting sta­tion’s equip­ment can be easi­ly moved and the ser­vices will reach the enti­re pro­vince.

The equip­ment is desig­ned to ser­ve dif­fe­rent tar­get groups; sui­table tests and devices are always selec­ted indi­vi­dual­ly. For example, you can also move on the ski mat with a wheelc­hair or on foot.

Most of the tes­ting sta­tion’s equip­ment can be easi­ly moved and the ser­vices will reach the enti­re pro­vince.

– We will pro­mo­te the tes­ting sta­tion at events in dif­fe­rent parts of Joen­suu and the pro­vince. Munici­pa­li­ties and orga­niza­tions are impor­tant part­ners in the deve­lop­ment of mobi­le ser­vices, says pro­ject mana­ger Jaa­na Kur­ki.

Tuo­mas Kar­ja­lai­nen and Hel­mi Kor­tet­maa belie­ve that with the new busi­ness, the pre­mi­ses will be acti­ve­ly used.

New ent­repre­neurs­hip and know-how

One of the pro­ject’s goals is to crea­te new busi­ness and jobs. Sports busi­ness expert Hel­mi Kor­tet­maa from the Eas­tern Fin­land Sports Ins­ti­tu­te deve­lops ser­vices toget­her with ent­repre­neurs.

– Works­hops are orga­nized for ent­repre­neurs in the sports and well­ness industry, whe­re they come up with ideas for ser­vices sui­table for the tes­ting sta­tion, speci­fical­ly for their tar­get groups. Ent­repre­neurs are also trai­ned in using the equip­ment and making tests.

– The­re are phy­siot­he­ra­pists, per­so­nal trai­ners and fit­ness cen­ter ent­repre­neurs who want to expand their ser­vice offe­ring. Poten­tial tar­get groups inclu­de not only indi­vi­duals but also, for example, sports associa­tions, says Koret­te­maa.

It’s bet­ter to come to the tests soo­ner rat­her than later.

Busi­ness acti­vi­ty ari­sing in con­nec­tion with the tes­ting sta­tion ensu­res that the faci­li­ties are in acti­ve use after comple­tion.

– The goal is that the coo­pe­ra­tion network crea­ted from com­pa­nies will uti­lize the faci­li­ties as acti­ve­ly as pos­sible. The tes­ting sta­tion is also used by stu­dents who intend to beco­me ent­repre­neurs, who can deve­lop their ser­vices in the right ope­ra­ting envi­ron­ment alrea­dy during their stu­dies, Koret­te­maa con­ti­nues.

Once comple­ted, the tes­ting sta­tion will ser­ve munici­pal resi­dents, ath­le­tes, sports clubs and coac­hes.

The sta­tion’s deve­lo­pers give one tip for eve­ry­one inte­res­ted in mea­su­ring well-being: It’s bet­ter to come to the tests soo­ner rat­her than later. Fit­ness tes­ting is abo­ve all a tool that can be used to start doing the right things for your own well-being.

Meh­ti­mä­ki’s tes­ting sta­tion for well-being and exerci­se is being deve­lo­ped in a two-year group pro­ject, which con­sists of an invest­ment and deve­lop­ment pro­ject. Read more about the pro­jects on the tes­ting sta­tion’s web­si­te.

Arti­ficial intel­li­gence has been used in the trans­la­tion of the article.

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