Whe­re does the city’s money go?

Compared to many other cities, the City of Joensuu has organised its services and administration efficiently.

The 2023 well­being ser­vices coun­ty reform is the lar­gest munici­pal reform in the his­to­ry of Fin­land, and it has had a sig­ni­ficant impact on munici­pal eco­no­mies. In 2022, the City of Joensuu’s tax reve­nues and cent­ral govern­ment trans­fers amoun­ted to almost €490 mil­lion, and in 2024, after well­being ser­vices beca­me the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of the sta­te, reve­nues amoun­ted to around €200 mil­lion.

After the well­being ser­vices reform, not only the inco­me, but also the munici­pa­li­ties’ expen­di­tu­re dec­rea­sed as the costs of well­being ser­vices were trans­fer­red to the sta­te. Howe­ver, due to the new calcu­la­tion met­hod, the cent­ral govern­ment trans­fers recei­ved by the City of Joen­suu were per­ma­nent­ly reduced, which means that the remai­ning ser­vices have to be arran­ged with a smal­ler bud­get.

As the social ser­vices have moved away from the munici­pa­li­ties, an inc­rea­singly sig­ni­ficant part of the City of Joensuu’s expen­di­tu­re is devo­ted to the orga­ni­sa­tion of pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry educa­tion and ear­ly child­hood educa­tion. When balancing the eco­no­my, we the­re­fo­re must look at educa­tion and ear­ly child­hood educa­tion.

Com­pa­red to other cities, the City of Joen­suu has orga­ni­sed its ser­vices and admi­ni­stra­tion efficient­ly. This is yet anot­her rea­son why balancing the eco­no­my is pro­ving so dif­ficult. The­re are no easy savings tar­gets.

What the City of Joen­suu does

In addi­tion to educa­tion and ear­ly child­hood educa­tion, the City of Joen­suu orga­ni­ses cul­tu­ral and sports ser­vices and is res­pon­sible for urban plan­ning, land use and water and was­te mana­ge­ment. The city also plays an impor­tant role in envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, buil­ding super­vi­sion and housing. The city’s key tasks also inclu­de emplo­y­ment ser­vices, busi­ness policy and pro­mo­ting immi­grant inte­gra­tion.

All ser­vices pro­vi­ded by the city are con­si­de­red as a part of the eco­no­mic adap­ta­tion pro­gram­me.

Expen­ses are defi­ned in the bud­get

The expen­ses requi­red to cover tho­se ser­vices and ope­ra­tions that the city is res­pon­sible for are set out annual­ly in the bud­get. The net expen­ses of the city’s ser­vices (expen­ses deduc­ted from the reve­nues recei­ved from ser­vices) amount to 177 mil­lion accor­ding to the 2024 bud­get.

Most of the expen­di­tu­re comes from the orga­ni­sa­tion of pri­ma­ry and secon­da­ry educa­tion and ear­ly child­hood educa­tion ser­vices. The­se ser­vices account for almost half of the city’s annual expen­di­tu­re. The city spends around 10% of its annual expen­di­tu­re on cul­tu­ral and sports ser­vices. The cost of care and main­te­nance of city-owned pre­mi­ses nee­ded for its ser­vice pro­duc­tion also accounts for over 10% of the city’s annual expen­di­tu­re, as do the costs of care and main­te­nance of streets and public areas, urban plan­ning and land use.

Distri­bu­tion of expen­ses (inter­nal and exter­nal) for ser­vices in 2022.

How are the expen­ses distri­bu­ted?

The City of Joensuu’s ope­ra­ting expen­ses can be clas­si­fied accor­ding to their type. Per­son­nel expen­ses repre­sent a sig­ni­ficant part, almost half of the city’s annual expen­di­tu­re. Approxi­ma­te­ly 2,800 people are emplo­yed by the City of Joen­suu. School per­son­nel cons­ti­tu­tes the single lar­gest group, 800 emplo­yees in total. Next up are the emplo­yees in day care cent­res and fami­ly day care, about 750 in total.

Some of the city’s ope­ra­tions are orga­ni­sed by purc­ha­sing ser­vices from other ser­vice pro­vi­ders. Purc­ha­ses of ser­vices account for about a third of the city’s total expen­di­tu­re. Purc­ha­sed ser­vices inclu­de public trans­port and school trans­port expen­ses, purc­ha­ses of school and day care cent­re cate­ring ser­vices, purc­ha­ses of con­struc­tion and main­te­nance ser­vices, munici­pa­li­ty of resi­dence reim­bur­se­ment (e.g. Nor­maa­li­kou­lu) and ear­ly child­hood educa­tion ser­vice vouc­hers through which the city par­tici­pa­tes in the costs of pri­va­te ear­ly child­hood educa­tion.

For example, the city buys cate­ring ser­vices for schools and day care cent­res for around €8 mil­lion a year.

Distri­bu­tion of expen­ses by account group in 2022.

The purc­ha­se of various mate­rials, supplies and goods accounts for just under 10% of the city’s total expen­di­tu­re. About half of this is due to the use of elect­rici­ty, hea­ting and water in the city’s pre­mi­ses and ser­vices. School teac­hing mate­rial purc­ha­ses and libra­ry mate­rial purc­ha­ses are also inclu­ded in this group.

Just under a tenth of the city’s annual expen­di­tu­re is alloca­ted to various allowances and sub­si­dies. This group also inclu­des that sha­re of the labour mar­ket sub­si­dy for which the munici­pa­li­ty is res­pon­sible, which accounts for the most sig­ni­ficant part of expen­di­tu­res rela­ted to allowances and sub­si­dies. The city also pays for the home care allowance gran­ted to resi­dent fami­lies by Kela. In addi­tion, the city grants a sig­ni­ficant num­ber of dif­fe­rent allowances and sub­si­dies, such as cul­tu­re, sports and youth allowances, as well as sub­si­dies pro­mo­ting resi­dent inclusion.

Ren­tal expen­ses for pre­mi­ses and equip­ment, for example, account for just under a tenth of the city’s expen­di­tu­re. Expen­ses also inclu­de tho­se ari­sing from loan financing nee­ded by the city. The city needs a loan to finance its invest­ments when the annual inco­me (tax inco­me and cent­ral govern­ment trans­fers and fees col­lec­ted for ser­vices) is not suf­ficient to cover the invest­ment costs.

The City of Joensuu’s inte­rest expen­di­tu­re in 2023 was approxi­ma­te­ly 4.6 mil­lion.

How are expen­ses impac­ted?

The various ser­vices pro­vi­ded by the City of Joen­suu, from day care cent­res to hoc­key rinks, are refer­red to as ser­vice pro­duc­tion. The level of the city’s ser­vice pro­duc­tion expen­di­tu­re can be influenced in dif­fe­rent ways.

The cost of ser­vice pro­duc­tion is main­ly influenced by the ser­vice network; in other words, how many dif­fe­rent units the ser­vices are orga­ni­sed in. The sco­pe and qua­li­ty of ser­vices also impact the level of expen­di­tu­re. The sco­pe of ser­vices refers to the ope­ning hours of libra­ries and swim­ming pools, for example. Ser­vice qua­li­ty means, for example, the num­ber of dai­ly public trans­port ope­ra­tions or the num­ber of hours spent per­for­ming win­ter road main­te­nance. Expen­ses in ser­vice pro­duc­tion can also be influenced by efficient and smooth proces­ses.

Com­pa­red to other cities, the City of Joen­suu has orga­ni­sed its ser­vices and admi­ni­stra­tion efficient­ly. This is yet anot­her rea­son why balancing the eco­no­my is pro­ving so dif­ficult. The­re are no easy savings tar­gets.

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