ihmisiä pyöräilemässä ja kävelemässä ylisoutajan sillalla talvella

Inter­na­tio­na­li­ty makes the city grow

People come to Joensuu from all over the world

Out­door acti­vi­ties and new expe­riences were enjo­yed in Kuha­sa­lo, when the city of Joen­suu, Rive­ria and Inter­na­tio­nal House Joen­suu orga­nized a win­ter event for Rive­ria’s inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents. The event was atten­ded by chef and nur­sing stu­dents who had come to Joen­suu from Gha­na, Nige­ria, Viet­nam and the Phi­lip­pi­nes, among many other count­ries.

The growth of Joen­suu’s popu­la­tion has been based on immi­gra­tion alrea­dy for the past five years.

– The growth of Joen­suu’s popu­la­tion has been based on immi­gra­tion alrea­dy for the past five years. Inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents are very impor­tant and warm­ly welco­me, and we hope they will stay per­ma­nent­ly here in Joen­suu, says Sami Laak­ko­nen, stra­te­gy direc­tor of the city of Joen­suu.

ryhmä kansainvälisiä opiskelijoita järven jäällä
Sami Laak­ko­nen advi­sed the stu­dents on the tricks of ice fis­hing. For most of the stu­dents it was the first time to try this win­ter sport.

From South Ame­rica towards a new career

One of the par­tici­pants was Peru­vian David Andre Rive­ra Zava­le­ta, who star­ted his chef trai­ning at Rive­ria last Sep­tem­ber.

– I didn’t know anyt­hing about Joen­suu befo­re I came here. I stu­died engi­nee­ring in Peru, but it didn’t feel like my field. I star­ted searc­hing for other options and then I found Fin­land, Joen­suu and Rive­ria, he says.

– Life in Joen­suu has been great. I have made new friends at school and during my interns­hip in the kitc­hen of the Care­lia res­tau­rant at the uni­ver­si­ty.

I admi­re the forest and natu­re eve­ry day when I step out of the house or ride my bike to school.

Joen­suu’s natu­re also deser­ves special thanks.

– Joen­suu is a real­ly beau­ti­ful city whe­re natu­re is clo­se by. I admi­re the forest and natu­re eve­ry day when I step out of the house or ride my bike to school.

Rive­ra Zava­le­ta’s dream is to find a job in Joen­suu and sett­le in the city.

– After that, my wife and son could also move here and we could be toget­her again, he says.

mies istuu pilkillä järven jäällä
David Andre Rive­ra Zava­le­ta has sett­led in Joen­suu and hopes to bring his fami­ly home soon.

A futu­re full of dreams

Many stu­dents around Asia also come to Rive­ria and other educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions in Joen­suu eve­ry year.

Anh Ngu­yen from Viet­nam and Moe Moe Aung from Myan­mar arri­ved in Joen­suu in Janua­ry. Both are stu­dying in Rive­ria to beco­me prac­tical nur­ses.

– A coinci­dence led me to Joen­suu. I had a serious coro­na infec­tion pre­vious­ly, but luc­ki­ly I got good treat­ment and sur­vi­ved. That’s when I deci­ded that I wan­ted to work in the nur­sing field myself. When I saw that Rive­ria was loo­king for stu­dents in Joen­suu, I took the oppor­tu­ni­ty and now I’m here, says Ngu­yen.

In the futu­re, I would like to work here and start a fami­ly.

Moving from Ho Chi Minh City, which has near­ly 10 mil­lion inha­bi­tants, to Joen­suu has gone smooth­ly and Ngu­yen plans to sett­le in the city per­ma­nent­ly.

– Joen­suu is the right size for me and natu­re is clo­se by. The best thing in Joen­suu is the people, from whom I have recei­ved a lot of help. In the futu­re, I would like to work here and start a fami­ly, Ngu­yen dreams.

kaksi naista pilkillä järven jäällä
Anh Ngu­yen (left) and Moe Moe Aung have had a good time in Joen­suu and enjo­yed the exo­tic win­ter weat­her.

Moe Moe Aung from Myan­mar has pre­vious­ly wor­ked as a nur­se in Myan­mar and Sin­ga­po­re.

– I want to live in a place whe­re we can live toget­her with my hus­band and my 11-year-old daugh­ter. In Myan­mar or Sin­ga­po­re it is not pos­sible, but here in Joen­suu we can live as a fami­ly, Aung sta­tes.

After her stu­dies, Aung wants to con­ti­nue wor­king in the nur­sing field, and also hopes that his spouse will find work in Joen­suu.

The who­le fami­ly likes Joen­suu, so we would like to stay here.

– The who­le fami­ly likes Joen­suu, so we would like to stay here. First, howe­ver, you have to get a nur­sing degree and learn Fin­nish.

Love­ly people and ease of move­ment make eve­ry­day life smooth, and the weat­her con­di­tions haven’t sca­red me eit­her.

– Tra­ve­ling to school by bike is easy and safe. The big­gest dif­fe­rence is the weat­her, but I real­ly like the snow, Aung says.

– Joen­suu has felt like home from the begin­ning, and my dream of a life toget­her has come true, she says with a smi­le.

Arti­ficial intel­li­gence has been used in the trans­la­tion of the article.

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