Mie kävelee Joensuussa kadulla.

Retur­ning to Joen­suu gave Jonne’s career a new boost

The returnee can appreciate the best sides of his home town

The retur­nee can apprecia­te the best sides of his home town. “You have room to breat­he in eve­ry­day life,” says Jon­ne.

Jon­ne Hir­vo­nen, 32, moved from Joen­suu to Lap­peen­ran­ta to pur­sue a master’s degree in engi­nee­ring in 2011. Howe­ver, he always wis­hed that he could one day return to live in his home town of Joen­suu.

“After my stu­dies, I got a research assign­ment at VTT in Jyväs­ky­lä. The­re, I was one of more than a thousand researc­hers, so the­re was not much oppor­tu­ni­ty to imple­ment my own ideas,” says Jon­ne.

“I always knew I would one day move back, but I didn’t know that day would come even soo­ner than I had expec­ted,” says Jon­ne.

Jon­ne had fea­red he wouldn’t find work in Joen­suu.

“I also admit that I was afraid that moving back would halt my career deve­lop­ment.”

Howe­ver, that fear tur­ned out to be unfoun­ded, as the oppo­si­te was the case. Two years ago, it final­ly hap­pe­ned: an inte­res­ting assign­ment was announced in Joen­suu that Jon­ne wan­ted to take up.

Career boost in Joen­suu

Two years ago, through Busi­ness Joen­suu, Jon­ne got invol­ved in a pro­ject that pro­mo­ted green-tran­si­tion invest­ments in North Kare­lia.

“I still don’t qui­te unders­tand how it hap­pe­ned, but my career real­ly took off,” says Jon­ne.

Since then, Jonne’s career has progres­sed even furt­her in his home town. In Februa­ry of this year, Jon­ne star­ted as an ent­repre­neur at Car­bo­nai­de Oy. The com­pa­ny deve­lops tech­no­lo­gies that enable the pro­duc­tion of car­bon-nega­ti­ve conc­re­te.

Accor­ding to Jon­ne, the workplaces in Joen­suu don’t have unneces­sa­ry hie­rarc­hy and new visions and ideas are welco­med with open arms.

“It feels like you have more time for brains­tor­ming, and the work com­mu­ni­ties are fil­led with ent­husiasm.”

Mies seisoo Ylisoutajan sillalla
When making the deci­sion to move to Joen­suu, Jon­ne Hir­vo­nen hesi­ta­ted the job oppor­tu­ni­ties, but has been plea­sant­ly surpri­sed.

Remo­te from what?

Whi­le Joen­suu may be geo­grap­hical­ly remo­te, that is only one aspect to con­si­der. Accor­ding to Jon­ne, North Kare­lia has eve­ryt­hing you need.

“My for­mer uni­ver­si­ty friends living in Hel­sin­ki have prai­sed the fact that it’s easier to tra­vel all over the world from Hel­sin­ki, which is more to the south.”

“So, I asked them whe­re they’ve tra­ve­led, and they said now­he­re,” says Jon­ne with a laugh, as he is very fami­liar with the rea­li­ties of eve­ry­day life of a fami­ly with children.

Jonne’s spouse Tiia is cur­rent­ly on fami­ly lea­ve at home, but she is also due to return to work life soon. Jon­ne says that the help from the grand­pa­rents and rela­ti­ves living in Joen­suu make that pos­sible.

Accor­ding to Jon­ne, North Kare­lia has eve­ryt­hing you need.

Alt­hough in theo­ry eve­ryt­hing is clo­se and acces­sible in the capi­tal region, in a fami­ly with two under school-aged children, going on a spon­ta­neous trip is not so easy.

The eve­ry­day life of a fami­ly with children is hec­tic, so if you add on the financial pres­su­res of living in places like Hel­sin­ki with high housing costs, even a visio­na­ry could have a hard time with it.

“I basical­ly deci­ded alrea­dy during my stu­dies that I would conscious­ly avoid moving to the capi­tal region, even though I like visi­ting the­re.”

COVID-19 ope­ned up the world

The COVID-19 pan­de­mic also showed Jon­ne that you can live in Joen­suu and have a workplace on the other side of Fin­land. Alt­hough the times were rough during the pan­de­mic, it ope­ned new doors for telewor­king.

“When we were rec­rui­ting emplo­yees for our com­pa­ny, the applicants may have resi­ded in Joen­suu but wor­ked in Hel­sin­ki.”

Accor­ding to Jon­ne, work life is more plea­sant in Joen­suu.

“In Joen­suu, eve­ryt­hing works and the people are easy to approach. There’s no sen­se of hie­rarc­hy here.”

Accor­ding to Jon­ne, it’s easy to inte­gra­te into the wor­king com­mu­ni­ty in Joen­suu and people moving from elsew­he­re are welco­med with open arms.

“Life is just much easier and more affor­dable here, lea­ving you more time and money for lots of other things. You have room to breat­he and deve­lop new things in eve­ry­day life.”

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