Jut­tuklu­bi brings toget­her immi­grants and busi­ness guests

Joensuu Juttuklubi is growing in popularity as an approachable meeting place between employers and immigrants.

Jut­tuklu­bi is a lan­gua­ge club for immi­grants and guests from the busi­ness sec­tor which is orga­ni­sed once a month in Joen­suu. The busi­ness guests are actors in busi­ness life who come to the club to pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion about Fin­nish wor­king life. The club is held in English and simple Fin­nish. Par­tici­pa­ting is free of char­ge and open to all immi­grant Joen­suu resi­dents.

The main objec­ti­ve of the Joen­suu Jut­tuklu­bi is to offer tho­se who have moved to Fin­land a place for networ­king with emplo­yers and club mem­bers and to pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion on the Fin­nish wor­king cul­tu­re. The club is orga­ni­sed bilin­gual­ly in English and simple Fin­nish, which helps learn Fin­nish at a low thres­hold. On 23 Octo­ber 2024, the club bro­ke its atten­dance record with 48 par­tici­pants. 

Jut­tuklu­bi’s busi­ness guest Han­na Asi­kai­nen gave her com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­tion in English and easy Fin­nish.

Taru Väi­sä­nen and Juha Fors­blom have been run­ning Jut­tuklu­bi since spring 2022. Taru Väi­sä­nen, an expert in immi­grant work and a SIMHE coun­sel­lor, wor­ked in a pro­ject at the Kare­lia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences that deve­lo­ped various sup­port ser­vices for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents from many pers­pec­ti­ves. Whi­le wor­king in the pro­ject, Väi­sä­nen read an article on Yle about the Jyväs­ky­lä Jut­tuklu­bi and star­ted plan­ning to bring the concept to Joen­suu. After loo­king for sui­table part­ners, Luot­si was selec­ted to sup­port the educa­tio­nal ins­ti­tu­tion. Busi­ness agent Juha Fors­blom joi­ned from Luot­si, and that was the start of Jut­tuklu­bi. 

The idea to bring the Jut­tuklu­bi to Joen­suu star­ted after Taru Väi­sä­nen read an article about the Jut­tuklu­bi in Jyväs­ky­lä.

The Joen­suu Jut­tuklu­bi is ins­pi­red by the Jyväs­ky­lä Jut­tuklu­bi, but the­re are clear prac­tical dif­fe­rences between the two clubs. The dif­fe­rences between the clubs are the fixed loca­tion and com­pa­ny visits. In Joen­suu, busi­ness guests come to Juttuklubi’s own per­ma­nent pre­mi­ses, whi­le in Jyväs­ky­lä, the club par­tici­pants tour local com­pa­nies. Väi­sä­nen and Fors­blom wan­ted a per­ma­nent loca­tion in Luot­si in the pre­mi­ses of Joensuu’s emplo­y­ment ser­vices as they belie­ved that the cent­ral loca­tion would make it easier for par­tici­pants to come.  

The club is orga­ni­sed once a month in Luot­si in the pre­mi­ses of Joensuu’s emplo­y­ment ser­vices. Each time, the meet-up has a dif­fe­rent work-rela­ted the­me and an expert tal­king about it. The expert guests pre­sent their infor­ma­tion in Fin­nish and English to make it pos­sible to unders­tand and learn the lan­gua­ge. Concepts in Fin­nish are natu­ral­ly trans­la­ted into English and explai­ned. Club mem­bers can ask ques­tions from the experts during or after the club.

Fin­ding emplo­y­ment for immi­grants is a rele­vant topic in North Kare­lia, as com­pa­nies are beco­ming awa­re of its poten­tial and neces­si­ty.

Fors­blom belie­ves that the advan­ta­ge of Jut­tuklu­bi is preci­se­ly the inte­rac­tions between the par­tici­pants and the expert guests. They get to talk to emplo­yers face-to-face, which makes them easier to reach.

–Think about rec­ruit­ment events which are noi­sy and busy, you can­not have in-depth discus­sions the­re. The good thing about Jut­tuklu­bi is that we can talk and ask ques­tions in peace, says Fors­blom.

Jut­tuklu­bi is open to all immi­grant Joen­suu resi­dents. Most of the par­tici­pants are stu­dents in Kare­lia, UEF and Rive­ria. The num­ber of par­tici­pants varies, but the­re are alrea­dy some regu­lars. Väi­sä­nen and Fors­blom want to make coming to the club easy and invi­ting. Cof­fee, tea and a litt­le snack are always offe­red. The aim is for the club to pro­vi­de the par­tici­pants with new know­led­ge and self-con­fi­dence for their career paths.

–We want visi­tors to get facts, networks and con­tacts. I would also say that we want to offer encou­ra­ge­ment and self-con­fi­dence. Faith that things will be okay, says Väi­sä­nen. 

It was nice to see so many people lis­te­ning.

–Fin­ding emplo­y­ment for immi­grants is a rele­vant topic in North Kare­lia, as com­pa­nies are beco­ming awa­re of its poten­tial and neces­si­ty. Many workplaces must be able to employ immi­grants. It is also an oppor­tu­ni­ty for com­pa­nies, says Fors­blom on the emplo­y­ment of immi­grants.

The the­me of October’s club was ‘What is impor­tant in an emplo­y­ment rela­tions­hip — what do you need to know?’ and the expert guest was HR Specia­list Han­na Asi­kai­nen from the Nort­hern Kare­lia Coo­pe­ra­ti­ve Socie­ty (PKO). Her visit focused on int­ro­ducing PKO as a com­pa­ny and wor­king in Fin­land. Last sum­mer, Asi­kai­nen was invol­ved in trai­ning inter­na­tio­nal PKO emplo­yees, so she had a lot to offer on the topic. 

HR specia­list Han­na Asi­kai­nen from North Kare­lia Coo­pe­ra­ti­ve gave a com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­tion about PKO and about wor­king in Fin­land.

The aim of the visit was to pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion on PKO: its com­pa­ny form, jobs, sec­tors and exten­si­ve career oppor­tu­ni­ties around North Kare­lia. What she was most loo­king forward to was hol­ding her pre­sen­ta­tion in English. The num­ber of visi­tors surpri­sed Asi­kai­nen posi­ti­ve­ly.

–I was left with a laid-back fee­ling. It was nice to see so many people lis­te­ning, says Asi­kai­nen.

Career gui­dance for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents and immi­grants is not new in Joen­suu. Kare­lia Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sciences has been orga­ni­sing the Inter­na­tio­nal Career Gui­dance 2021–2023 pro­ject and SIMHE ser­vices (Sup­por­ting Immi­grants in Hig­her Educa­tion) since 2017. The Joen­suu Jut­tuklu­bi was launc­hed as part of the Inter­na­tio­nal Career Coun­sel­ling pro­ject, and it is now part of the SIMHE ser­vices.

The last Jut­tuklu­bi mee­ting this autumn is on Wed­nes­day 27 Novem­ber at 17–19 in Luot­si in the pre­mi­ses of Joen­suu emplo­y­ment ser­vices, Plaza Cent­rum Kaup­pa­ka­tu 29. From the begin­ning of next year, the mee­ting place will be in Care­licum, Kos­ki­ka­tu 5.

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