Hydro­gen att­racts to Joen­suu

The energy production of the future will bring work and requires investments

Socie­ty is elect­ri­fying at a rapid pace, and the hydro­gen eco­no­my, for example, is pre­dic­ted to revo­lu­tio­ni­se the ener­gy mar­ket. In Joen­suu and elsew­he­re in Eas­tern Fin­land, the need to inc­rea­se the capaci­ty of the trans­mis­sion and distri­bu­tion networks has been known for a long time.

Futu­re invest­ments in power gene­ra­tion will requi­re a much lar­ger capaci­ty to trans­mit elect­rici­ty from Eas­tern Fin­land to the rest of the count­ry. The pro­vince is the­re­fo­re loo­king forward to the network deve­lop­ment pro­mi­sed by the govern­ment in the autumn 2024 bud­get ses­sion.

In his ope­ning speech at the Eas­tern Fin­land Ener­gy Forum held in ear­ly Octo­ber, Mar­kus Hir­vo­nen, the Regio­nal May­or of North Kare­lia, sta­ted that Eas­tern Fin­land needs solu­tions to ener­gy issues in order to return to the path of success.

–We need to ensu­re that ener­gy avai­la­bi­li­ty, puri­ty and price are right across Fin­land. The futu­re of the world will ulti­ma­te­ly be for­mu­la­ted around ener­gy, Hir­vo­nen reminds.

Regio­nal May­or Mar­kus Hir­vo­nen spo­ke at the Eas­tern Fin­land Ener­gy Forum in ear­ly Octo­ber.

Sus­tai­nable ener­gy pro­duc­tion to Joen­suu

A hydro­gen plant is cur­rent­ly being plan­ned for Iik­sen­nii­ty in Joen­suu, with pro­duc­tion sche­du­led to start in 2027. The invest­ment of over 100 mil­lion euros is one of the lar­gest ener­gy sec­tor invest­ments in North Kare­lia this mil­len­nium. The plan­ned loca­tion of the hydro­gen plant is south of the Kon­tio­suo land­fill, about 400 meters from the nea­rest resi­den­tial area.

Savon Voi­ma’s district hea­ting plant and Joen­suu Biocoal Oy’s biocoal plant, which is under con­struc­tion, are loca­ted in the vici­ni­ty of the plant, making the area a true hub for sus­tai­nable ener­gy pro­duc­tion.

Wit­hout hydro­gen, we will not be able to miti­ga­te cli­ma­te chan­ge.

Joensuu’s May­or, Jere Pent­ti­lä, sta­tes that the hydro­gen plant pro­ject is ext­re­me­ly impor­tant for the city.

– Invest­ments in sus­tai­nable ener­gy pro­duc­tion bring jobs and vita­li­ty to Joen­suu. Through hydro­gen pro­duc­tion, we can secu­re the supply of green ener­gy and also ensu­re that invest­ments can be made also in the futu­re, he says.

Herk­ko Plit, Mana­ging Direc­tor of P2X Solu­tions, which is desig­ning the hydro­gen plant, says that the hydro­gen plant will employ around 1,000 people during con­struc­tion, and most of the con­struc­tion work is expec­ted to be car­ried out by the pro­vince’s own com­pa­nies.

–Once pro­duc­tion starts, the power plant will direct­ly employ about 10 people and indi­rect­ly seve­ral dozen, Plit says.

Herk­ko Plit, CEO of P2X Solu­tions, pre­sen­ted the hydro­gen plant pro­ject in Joen­suu.

Hydro­gen is futu­re

What exact­ly does the hydro­gen plant pro­duce, and what is the sig­ni­ficance of hydro­gen as a futu­re ener­gy source?

–The hydro­gen plant pro­duces green hydro­gen, which requi­res elect­rici­ty gene­ra­ted from renewable ener­gy and water for its pro­duc­tion process. Hydro­gen and oxy­gen molecu­les are sepa­ra­ted from water using elect­rici­ty. When hydro­gen is com­bi­ned with car­bon dioxi­de, synt­he­tic met­ha­nol is pro­duced, which is sui­table for mari­ne and avia­tion fuel, among other things, explains Plit.

Hydro­gen is alrea­dy used in industry today, and in the futu­re it could be used as a fuel for buses and trucks, for example. By 2050, for example, 80 percent of the ener­gy used by mari­ti­me trans­port will have to be emis­sion-free, so hydro­gen and its down­stream pro­ducts will also meet this requi­re­ment.

–Wit­hout hydro­gen, we will not be able to miti­ga­te cli­ma­te chan­ge, says Plit.

The car­bon dioxi­de pro­duced at Savon Voi­ma’s hea­ting plant has so far been relea­sed into the air, but in the futu­re some of it will be cap­tu­red and com­bi­ned with hydro­gen molecu­les at the hydro­gen plant.

–If we pro­duce our own fuel with elect­rici­ty in the futu­re, we will also be able to deter­mi­ne the price level of ener­gy and will not be so depen­dent on the world oil mar­ket and its price fluc­tua­tions, Plit reminds.

The car­bon dioxi­de nee­ded for fuel pro­duc­tion comes from near­by for the Joen­suu hydro­gen plant. The car­bon dioxi­de gene­ra­ted at the Savon Voi­ma hea­ting plant has so far been relea­sed into the air, but in the futu­re, part of it will be cap­tu­red and com­bi­ned with hydro­gen molecu­les at the hydro­gen plant.

Inter-plant exc­han­ges also take place when the heat ener­gy gene­ra­ted in the hydro­gen pro­duc­tion process is fed direct­ly into the Joen­suu district hea­ting network. This can cover up to 20% of Joen­suu’s district hea­ting demand.

The buil­ding per­mit applica­tion for P2X Solu­tions’ hydro­gen plant is under review, and a deci­sion is expec­ted to be made soon. After this, the pro­ject will proceed to envi­ron­men­tal per­mit proces­sing and the actual con­struc­tion pha­se. Befo­re com­mis­sio­ning, the plant will still need an ope­ra­ting licence from TUKES.

Arti­ficial intel­li­gence has been used in the trans­la­tion of the article.

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